
Yusuke Kubo(D2) Receives Prestigious Encouragement Award from LET Kanto Branch

We are delighted to announce that Yusuke Kubo(a second-year doctoral student in the  Degree Program in Humanities and Social Sciences , Subprogram in English Language Education. Supervisor: Professor Akiyo Hirai,) has been awarded the Encouragement Award by the Kanto Branch of the Japan Association for Language Education and Technology (LET) on November 17, 2024.

The award-winning research includes the following works:
"Development of a Pilot Test to Measure Critical Thinking Skills of Japanese English Learners: Validation through Exploratory Factor Analysis," published in the Kanto Journal of Language Education and Technology, Vol. 7, pp. 37–54.

"A Review of Constructs of Critical Thinking Skills," published in the Kanto Journal of Language Education and Technology, Vol. 8, pp. 25–41.

  • 【Update】2024/12/03
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